September 30, 2021

ARC REVIEW: Cherish (Full Moon Series Book 5) by Stacy Stone

Cherish (Full Moon Series Book 5) by Stacy Stone
Rating: 4 Stars
Release Date: September 28, 2021
Format: eARC
Publisher: SVM Publishing

Cherish by Stacy Stone is a perfect choice for fans of the rockstar romance genre as well as fans of single-parent romance stories. This book focuses on the last member of the band, bassist Tim, but fear not! There is another book coming in October 2021 that focuses on Mike who is the head of security for Full Moon. As opposed to other rockstar romance series that I have read, Ms. Stone is planning on including books that focus on other people in the band’s orbit instead of just the musicians. I applaud this decision because the musicians, while a large part of a band becoming successful, are not the only components required to have a successful band. I also really appreciate how close all the members of Full Moon are - wives included. 

Tim is the bassist for Full Moon and has basically sworn off relationships after having to deal with his nightmare ex-fiance Vanessa. But when Lize and her four-year-old daughter Ashley end up crashing into his life, he has to decide what he wants for his future and if he’s willing to fight for them to be in it. Of course, there are lots of trademark Stacy Stone steamy moments between Tim and Lize. You also get a lot of bonus fluffy moments between Tim and Ashley though (which haven’t really been a thing in the previous books). My heart nearly burst from sheer adorableness when she accidentally called him Daddy for the first time. 

Holey Moley - that ending left me completely shocked. I was expecting something more happily ever after like some of the other books in the series, but this is a total cliffhanger. I NEED to read the next book in the series, Love because I need to know what happens with Mike and Karen. While you can technically read all of the books in the Full Moon series as standalone, I highly recommend reading them in order because it will add depth to your reading experience and make it more enjoyable. 

Thank you to the author and Midnight Readers Book Promotion for allowing me to read an early copy of this book at no cost to myself. I voluntarily read and reviewed Cherish; all thoughts expressed in the review are my own and not influenced in any way. 

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