August 3, 2021

The Shadow Crosser (The Storm Runner Series Book 3) by J.C. Cervantes

The Shadow Crosser (The Storm Runner Series Book 3) by J.C. Cervantes
Rating: 5 Stars
Release Date: September 1, 2020
Format: Audiobook
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion (Rick Riordan Presents Imprint)

Jen Cervantes does not disappoint in this third installment to the Storm Runner series. I'm so excited to hear that the series has been taken up by Apple TV to be brought to life in a live-action format. 

In this book, Zane is once again asked to save the world. His loyal and devoted friends (and hellhound) are there to help him succeed in his quest (or risk seeing the end of the world as they know it). I don't want to spoil too much, but there is some romantic interaction between Zane and Brooks in this book for those who ship them. It's about time! 

Uncle Hondo is one of my favorite characters in this series. He's not supernatural and he lacks any fancy powers, but Hondo still does everything possible to help. He gets a role that many didn't expect him to be able to take in this book, and in taking this role he makes some of the characters realize that supernatural powers are not the only thing required to be a hero. 

The twins, Jordan and Bird, are the types of villains that everyone loves to hate. They've been a constant thorn in Zane's side since the first book, and the Shadow Crosser series is no exception. 

Regarding the audiobook version of this book, Ozzie Rodriguez is an amazing narrator. I love how expressive he is, and the range of voices he has for the different characters in the book. He really helps add another layer to the already great novel. It was amusing when he went between narrating a girl character's voice and a boy character's voice. Overall, a truly attention-grabbing and fun performance. 

Cervantes wraps up the events of this book beautifully, while at the same time leaving some room and events to explore in the side/companion series focusing on Ren Santiago, The Throne of Glass. I can't wait to see where they end up next, Ren is such an interesting and complex character and I hope Cervantes explores a bit more of her background in the new series. 

About the Author

J.C. is a New York Times best-selling author of books for children and young adults. Her books have appeared on national lists, including the American Booksellers Association New Voices, Barnes and Noble’s Best Young Reader Books, as well as Amazon’s Best Books of the Month. She has earned multiple awards and recognitions, including the New Mexico Book Award, the Zia Book Award, and most recently the 2021 New Mexico Land of Enchantment Readers’ Choice Award.

She currently resides in the Land of Enchantment with her family, three spoiled dogs, and a lifetime collection of books. But she keeps part of her heart in Southern California, where she was born and raised. When she isn’t writing she is haunting bookstores and searching for magic in all corners of the world.

Her work is represented by Holly Root at Root Literary.

J.C. Cervantes Author Website

Connect with the Author on Instagram

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